D300 question...


Hey All-

I'm thinking of renting a D300 for a upcoming wedding. ; What concerns should I have going from a basic D50 to a far superior body in a D300?


I'd rent a D700 over a D300, but that's not important right now.

All I can think of is:

Go through the menus and set the camera up the way you want to shoot. ; The menus are different!

You can restrict ; the # of focus points. ; Unless you think you'll need every single one.....

Commander mode if you're using wireless flash...
I'd tend to agree with Roger: If you're renting to begin with (and getting paid, thats the important part - if not, your D50 will take pictures that are JUST FINE!) go with a full frame (D3s, D3, D700) and a 24-70 2.8. Again, if you're renting, and do not have an external flash, rent an SB-900 as well.

All that said, I've had my D300 since it came out, and wouldn't hesitate to use it!


for me the biggest change from the d80 to the newer d300 was the picture controls. they are way better than the old camera. the white balance works much better too, although I have mine set to b2 or b3 (more blue).

the continous focus works great too