Cloud reflection at Odyssey


Staff member
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I like it. And the Odyssey is one of those things I know will be changed or removed someday. They just really seem to under utilize it.
Since I was deprived as a child, and didn't make my first trip to Epcot until 2004, what was the Odyssey like when it was open? Anyone have any pics? Just curious! I am hoping it will be open during the Flower & Garden show when we are down in a few weeks (for that matter, I'm hoping the wonders of life, and the millenium village will be open as well).


&quot;mPower&quot; said:
Anyone have any pics? Just curious! I am hoping it will be open during the Flower & Garden show when we are down in a few weeks (for that matter, I'm hoping the wonders of life, and the millenium village will be open as well).

Okay good and bad news. I jsut got back last week here's the rundown. WoL is open as Garden Town Milleneum Village and Odyssey aren't open so one third of your wish came true.
Kiki that's pretty with the flowers in the water. I don't have that:

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&quot;Roger&quot; said:
Kiki that's pretty with the flowers in the water. I don't have that:

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I like the drama of the sky and lighting in yours1
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