"Climb aboard, explorers!"


Staff member

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That is an amazing shot...How'd you get it? Really, really fast lens? I'm gonna guess a 1.4 of some sort...

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I'll play too!

<img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/080107/A/IMG_6531.jpg" />

With mine I actually got it with the 17-55/2.8 IS
those are great guys. I tried to get these shots, but they didnt come out anywhere close to yours.
I didn't really care for the Nemo makeover of The Living Seas. I won't belabor the thread with commentary to that effect, I'm just saying it to emphasize that I do appreciate one neat little trick they did with some of the CG scenes where they had the background moving at a constant rate to make it look like you're viewing the normal parallax effect of a distant background moving against a foreground frame. It's a simple enough trick, but still it's a good one and really makes the CG video windows look real.
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Hey, this time from the non-tank part of the ride.
