Citizens Bank Park - fisheye HDR


Staff member
Ok, so here's the deal. I really can't stand fisheye photos and am not the biggest fan of HDR photos either. So WHY WOULDN'T I make a fisheye-HDR photo of Citizen's Bank Park from earlier today?

Taken with Sony a6000, 16 f/2.8 pancake with fisheye conversion lens attached. Whatcha' think?


And a bonus wide-angle, non-fisheye version from down a bit closer...

I must confess, I love Fish-Eye photos when done right like this. I tend to go overboard once I get mine on the camera. Darn thing is addicting!
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I like the fish-eye when done well. Looking at both of your shots, I like the first one better. Having the roof in the shot gives it just a little bit more dimension, and the "curves" are not overly pronounced.

Big crowd in Philly I see!
Very cool on the fisheye - I never was a big fan of them myself, but that is definitely the type of subject and composition where it really works.

BTW - you guys have a baseball team there? What are they, minor league? ;)