<img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/052507/To%20be%20added/F/IMG_6728a-iC_2.jpg" /> I'll be quite honest. I didn't know MK had one too. Maybe because it's "out of the way" ... like the Tomorrowland path to Toontown Fair. This shot seems like one for HDR...is that going to be a theme for MF this year?
That naughty Tinkerbell! Dusting my sensor with pixiedust! ;-) I noticed it during the Wings of Freedom postprocessing. Blew the dust off then. This was from my last day in Feb. So that must be when!
I took about the same shot, only I was standing about 10 feet to your left and in front of you!! The well is hidden. There is hardly ever anyone on that path.
Ive been to the magic kingdom a dozen times and have never seen this? Gotta start opening my eyes wider :
Wow, I love both of those pictures. My family just liked walking around the castle and we found the well this one time. I was surprised that nobody was there. Its a perfect little disney get-a-way LOL
One of my favorite spots in the MK. Even when the park is very crowded, there are only a few, if any, people here.
Scott your lighting was a heck of a lot better than my attempt at a redo with the Edsel. <img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/030108/E/226e2741_24.jpg" />
Roger tell me again what's wrong with your camera. I just found this place with my Dad and sister. It was so peaceful.
My camera's sensor focus does not match what is in the viewfinder some of the time in one-shot mode, and in servo, the in-focus rate hovers around 10%, with the camera either being severely front or back focused or just plain nothing in focus. My emergency P&S backup, which I hadn't used for ... oh over a year, well, has a black screen through the viewfinder or LCD, so it sounds like the aperture is completely closed and won't reopen. It's not under warranty being so old, so it looks like it's headed for the electronic dumpster.
Awesome shot! I really like the wishing well, but for some reason that cool looking potted tree/plant-thingy grabs my attention as well. I'm guilty of never finding this spot. That changes tomorrow. 8)