China Shot


Staff member
Before Pixelmania, I wanted to share this angle of China that I spotted in October.
This is a quick grab shot I got that looks like it could have a lot of potential during a night tour at Epcot.

What do you think?

[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]
Tried that shot last February but the refurbishment walls (and those two people who just stood there forever) kept me from perfecting it! ; Hmmm wish Id been more centered!
very cool!
I liked the way you could center the building perfectly inside of the gate.
This might be a good one to play with HDRtoo!
"PolynesianMedic" said:
That's an old shot, huh Dennis?

I think the paint was still drying. ; EPCOT had only been open a month or so.

One disadvantage to modern dSLRs is the lack of really low ISO. ; Kodachrome 25 forced me to use very long exposures for shots like this, which meant that the few people who were still in the park after dark pretty much disappeared.
"ddindy" said:
I think the paint was still drying. ; EPCOT had only been open a month or so.

One disadvantage to modern dSLRs is the lack of really low ISO. ; Kodachrome 25 forced me to use very long exposures for shots like this, which meant that the few people who were still in the park after dark pretty much disappeared.

Psst, Dennis...neutral density filters. ; See gary at PM. ; He's got a couple variable ones.