another wonderful sunset! [attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]
Craig I can't believe the colors that are in this shot. ; It's funny how the sky even matches the lighting in Tomorrowland.
thanks so much everone! I love when I get the "white" light on the castle over all the other castle colors. This is straight out of the camera too, which I always love over doing it in post. I set the white balance to shade to make sure the sky was very red/orange, and underexposed a half stop from the matrix meter to make sure the colors stayed saturated. used a tripod for 1/2 second exposure at f6.7 (or something) at iso 200. I cant remember which lens this is? either the 18-200 or the 80-400?
thanks Paul and Gary! the white balance adjustment is one I use all the time, since I shoot in jpeg, I like to do it in camera.
WOW...Don't know how I missed this one! ; That is just legendarily beautiful! ; I love those color skies, and capture them whenever possible, and even had the luck once to try a few shots from the Contemporary roof with the sky that color. ; But the clincher is to catch the castle lit so crisp and white at the top, and with the lovely little bits of color highlighting it. ; Every shot I've had was with the castle red, purple, blue, etc...and they never get this crisp detail and lovely contrast. ; Wonderful shot - that should be nice and big on a wall somewhere!!