Casey Jr and Storybook Land

One of my favorite spots at DL is Casey Jr and Storeybook Land. ; Probably not what most people would say is their most favorite, but it is mine for various reasons, one that it being the first two rides I ever rode at DL back when I was ten years old. ; It's kind of hard taking decent pics on the train since you're going at a pretty decent clip, but here are some of the best shots I could get the last couple trips. ;



nice, my personal preference would be to jack up the saturation a little, well ok a lot, of number 2, and having just been to dl last year, first trip since 1978, i cannot understand why casey jr is not at wdw, it's a real shame, it's such a great ride, karen loved it, and really wanted to know if there was a reason it's not at wdw