Cars Land


I absolutely positively have to go back to California. Pixelmania-West-Coast! The day I went I wasn't feeling too good and very tired, so I didn't actually do all that much. Shot Cars Land at night, but none of the night shows ; :'(



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Great shots, Erich. ; Any problems with using your tripod? ; I've heard that Disneyland security is a little less photographer-friendly than WDW.
Thanks. I didn't shoot for very long, but had no problems at all. Twice set up if front of a Pass photog, after asking, while they didn't have a client. Both asked what I was shooting with.

Great stuff, Erich. ; One thing you might want to try is to overexpose just a tiny bit to get a little more fill on the buildings and still not lose the neon. ; It's a FINE line.

As is, your shots are very nice. ; I had no issues with my tripod and I was there opening day last year. ;
Thanks Tim. Actually, I shot exposure brackets but kinda liked the just neon look on a couple of them.

Nice work Erich! ; All that neon looks like a lot of fun to shoot.

The rumor I heard is that security hassled the wrong person who may or may not have connections on high... ; One of the DL regulars I follow on Twitter mentioned that they asked security about the sudden change and got a response along the lines of "every guest is allowed to enjoy their visit"