Looking to add a flash to my Canon 40D setup and will probably just go with the top of the line Speedlite 580EX II. ; Anyone have feedback on this unit or reasons I should consider one of the cheaper flashes? $50 rebate on this unit right now, so it seems like the time to buy. ; (Of course I know Canon will come out with a better version right after I buy it!)
I need to get a better flash myself, I am curious to see what type of responses you get to this. ; Thanks for posting.
Is the 580EX I available used for a good price? ; They only thing they did I think was add weather sealing via a pop-down rubber thing at the shoe..... (and it supposedly recycles 20% faster) Otherwise, I normally would say get the best flash you can, since you may regret it later if you don't.
other apparent diffrences: - quieter on recharge - has a PC terminal - uses a lever latch rather than a screw type latch
actually i have the 550ex (discontinued) which is why i listed the 580ex. ; i have considered getting the 580ex2 if the price is right but i don't have it yet. ; maybe if i upgrade my 550ex will become available... ; ; anyone?
If I were choosing between the 580EX and the 580EXII, I would pick the 580EXII just because of the lever latch. ; I had the screw latches on my old Minolta gear and they were a pain to operate. ; I was always getting them stuck. ;
I like that one, not just because it holds twice as much as the other model, but you can change it from the horizontal style to vertical.