So Im getting to the point where my camera goes pretty much everywhere with me and Ive been thinkingi about picking up a lens in the 18-200 range. Does anyone shoot with any of three brands, which do you reccommend?
I have 3 Canon lenses, with my newest one being the 28-135. ; This latest addition has been on my camera pretty much the entire time since I got it. ; I have rented and used the Sigma 18-200 or 250 (I forget what it is exactly) and liked it very much. ; I am also about to get Canon's 50mm 1.8 prime to add to my collection. ; I would say that no matter what you go with, maybe rent them all first to decide which you liked better, then go from there. ; That way you won't be disappointed with a purchase.
I think they're all going to be about the same. ; However, you can find a Tamron with a little more range if you want along with image stabilization. ; All three will only be usable on a crop camera (modern ones).
Ive got and use the Sigma 18-200 and had no problems with it, I believe now the latest model goes to 250
I use the Tamron 18-250 (labeled for Sony) as my walkaround lens, and it does about 90% of the work at Disney and on cruises since last June. ; Excellent, reliable lens with great color and handling, light, small, and very versatile. I'm sure the Canon branded lenses are fine, and I certainly love my Sigma 30mm F1.4 and my Tamron 10-24mm as I don't think you'll go wrong with any of the three.
No lens creep for me...though I wouldn't want to say 100% that there wouldn't be on the Tamron version, as it is possible some minor changes by Sony to the grip design or the resistance on the lens might make my version slightly different (the lens optically is Tamron, but Sony did put on their own labeling and rubber grip design on the rings).