haven't been here much recently but have been trying to improve my photos( and making up websites for me and hub, not easy when you are not all that computer intellegent :'()...any honest feedback, pos or neg would be appreciated. I had put the frame on it just to show it was offered when i put it on my zenfolio site. Thanks for our help
I love it. The perfect blend of controlled light with silhouetting, along with action, and wonderful colors.
agreed. very well done from a technical standpoint. you might want to reduce the opacity of your watermark a bit or make it smaller because it takes away from such a great shot.
I'll basically second the opinions offered so far. The effect of having the net illuminated while the caster is nearly silhouetted is very nice. It looks like an image I'd expect to see in a travel brochure for somewhere known for net fishing but being marketed with at least a partial romantic angle.
thanks, i have my photos on zenfolio and they attach the watermark...gotta figure out some way to make my own so i can down load them instead
Fantastic pic. You can make your own watermark using photoshop if you have that program. Also, Photoxels has a simple tutorial on their site about watermarks (as well as many other great tutorials).