
bring disney to home

this box arrived today, ordered almost 6 weeks ago , sort of experimentally, since the leggo website has showed it out of stock for the better part of a year. so i clicked on it and live links let me order it and submit a payment method. so i did that, and get an email from leggo the next day telling me it would be delayed but they anticipated shipping in october, 10/6, well it got pushed back a couple weeks later until 10/18, but 2 days ago i received an email advising me of imminent shipping, it left illinois friday evening and arrived today around 1 pm. nice prompt shipping by fedex.
i first got intrigued by these large complex leggo builds several years ago when the taj mahal was on display in the disney springs store, i didn't buy this at the time because i was concerned with the cost, i have now reached a point where i have a little more disposable income, and wonder of wonders, i am not casting covetous eyes upon any photography gear. i have done some recent research and learned a few things, these are called UCS, (ultimate collector series) kits.
the ucs kits are very large both in number of pieces, 4080 in this case, and in finished size. this one is over 2 feet tall at the towers, about 20x20 at the base. the largest ucs kit is a star wars kit, the imperial star destroyer, with over 7000 pieces and a finished size of over 3 feet nose to tail and almost 2 feet wide at the main body.
had i read the reviews ahead of time i might have started with a lesser piece, on the star destroyer page several of the reviewers advise tackling a smaller less complex kit before trying on the star destroyer. i picked this and will do it as my first large build because i think i might be able to have it done by christmas, especially with a 4 day weekend at thanksgiving wherein i go absolutely nowhere anyway. the kit most recommended to start with is the jawa sand crawler, which is unfortunately a retired piece, although plentiful on eBay, but at list price. so that'll probably be my next one, should be able to also do that one this winter. eventually my plan should i like doing these, and i suspect i will since i always enjoyed to make the models when i was a boy, the attention to every conceivable detail., is to do the 3 other star wars kits, the millennium falcon, the death star, and the grand daddy of them all, the imperial star destroyer, with a possible side detour to do the hogwarts castle, another really large impressive piece. and eventually it's companion piece, the brand new issue diagon alley

groundbreaking for site development on the dining room table is expected to start tomorrow, with construction slated to begin around 11/1
i will post occasional updates and a full photo spread of the completed project

Hmmm - legos and fireworks. That brings back some mischievous childhood memories. Lego buildings and green army men set up in the backyard - BB gun took out the army men, and roman candles and firecrackers took out the buildings. Playing Army was fun...especially when mixed in with the risk of blowing off a finger, getting burned, or shooting oneself. Without adult supervision, of course.
fireworks are the optional kit, much like the led light kit for the hogwarts castle
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and i just learned of another ucs kit today, it's a reissue of the mos eisley cantina. i'm thinking that one and the hogwarts castle will be next winters builds
lego progress, we have a foundation, i am up to page 50 of the manual. the instructions start with bag 1, but you go through them all and find out there are 3 bags numbered 1. that orange piece to the lower left, the most important piece in the kit, that is the lego tool to take blocks apart, very important when you have to take apart the first 12 pages, 3 times to finally get the base correct. you have to carefully pay attention to where and how many holes are to each side of pins connecting pieces. i was able to pick up the next build, should ship this week, it's a new kit in the creator series, not as many pieces, it's the gingerbread house, a little over a thousand pieces, plus i got the led lighting kit for it, i know i'll have the castle finished in time to do the gingerbread for christmas.

construction is moving along nicely, no weather delays, of course the owner showed up today, at least it wasn't friday afternoon during break time, aka one for the road at quitting time. this progress is all from bag 2, but for some reason he is the first thing in that bag that the manual has you assemble, i think it is to light your interest in the project. towers have started going up. and i changed the thread title to be more accurate about the subject

Are you going to add the parkour play set to the stage that has apparently recently showed up [emoji23][emoji1787][emoji23]

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there are more minifigs to come, and the backside is all open rooms, 4080 pieces is a lot of pieces
I could not bring myself to spend that much on a kit. I try to stick to the $150 or less. But that Mos Eisley kit, hmmmmm
When did Mickey and Minnie get married? I always heard that Mickey was not mouse enough to pop the question.
and yeah, the mos eisley cantina is on the bucket list

and i already have the next 3 lined up. i am aiming to have the castle finished by 12/1, or thereabouts, i have the gingerbread house, santas workshop and the winter fire station already here, next year the winter market and cottage hopefully on the list, once i have them with the led lighting kits it should make a very nice christmas display on the large sideboard hutch we have