Yep - sometimes I like to lighten the load when I'm out birding and leave the DSLR home or in the car. ; Especially as it gets into summer heat down here, a 6-8 hour day of lugging around the DSLR and big lenses gets tiring when it's 95 degrees and 90% humidity. ; The NEX-5N with my 55-210mm lens and Sony DH1758 1.7x teleextender combo is the perfect cure when I need to travel light, and still get some reach for birding...and the results are still pretty decent! ; Here are some birds captured with this combo this past season:
Black-crowned night heron:
Ibis in flight:
Black-bellied whistling duck having a bath:
Great blue heron closeup:
Pied-billed grebe:
Mottled duck, coming right at ya:
Sandwich tern:
Eastern phoebe:
Green heron:
Common loon - a rare visitor:
Ruddy turnstone, also a rare winter visitor:
Closeup with a pelican:
Red-bellied woodpecker:
Red-winged blackbird - female:
Black-crowned night heron:

Ibis in flight:

Black-bellied whistling duck having a bath:

Great blue heron closeup:

Pied-billed grebe:

Mottled duck, coming right at ya:

Sandwich tern:


Eastern phoebe:

Green heron:

Common loon - a rare visitor:

Ruddy turnstone, also a rare winter visitor:

Closeup with a pelican:

Red-bellied woodpecker:

Red-winged blackbird - female:

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