Well the winter months in Florida mean the birds are back in town to nest...which means it's bird-in-flight paradise again. I call it BIF-Palooza...bird photographers elsewhere would be jealous of the conditions here...warm, sunny, clear skies, and standing in one place for 45 minutes can net 3, 000 birds of at least 30 species all flying past you as close as 5 feet away. It's the laziest birding you've ever heard of...you could bring a lawn chair and plop down with a beer at your side, and just fire away in all directions - and come away with more species and more amazing close detail shots of in-flight birds in 30 minutes than some folks in other states get in an entire year of hiking and searching and sitting in hides.
So thought I'd just share a selection of some recent bird in flight shots over the past couple months...all taken at a place called Wakodahatchee Wetlands, with my A6300 and FE100-400mm lens:
Great blue heron soaring low:
Great blue heron doing an impression of a Sky Crane helicopter, hauling back nest materials:
Ibis flying past:
Anhinga cruising past the sunset-glow trees:
Snowy egret coming in to land at dusk after the sun had dropped below the trees:
Red-shouldered hawk flying straight on and fast:
Belted kingfisher watching the water below and preparing to dive bomb:
Osprey flying overhead:
Flock of Egyptian geese flying by:
Anhinga flying low:
Mottled duck flying high at dusk, catching the last reds of sunset glow:
Cattle egret making a close pass at sunset:
Cormorant hauling nesting materials at sunset:
Great egret soaring past fall colored trees:
Black-bellied whistling ducks cruising by in formation:
So thought I'd just share a selection of some recent bird in flight shots over the past couple months...all taken at a place called Wakodahatchee Wetlands, with my A6300 and FE100-400mm lens:
Great blue heron soaring low:

Great blue heron doing an impression of a Sky Crane helicopter, hauling back nest materials:

Ibis flying past:

Anhinga cruising past the sunset-glow trees:

Snowy egret coming in to land at dusk after the sun had dropped below the trees:

Red-shouldered hawk flying straight on and fast:

Belted kingfisher watching the water below and preparing to dive bomb:

Osprey flying overhead:

Flock of Egyptian geese flying by:

Anhinga flying low:

Mottled duck flying high at dusk, catching the last reds of sunset glow:

Cattle egret making a close pass at sunset:

Cormorant hauling nesting materials at sunset:

Great egret soaring past fall colored trees:

Black-bellied whistling ducks cruising by in formation: