Beaver Tails at Canada in Epcot


I was just sitting here thinking that I wish the booth for beaver tails would have been open when we were at Disney. ; The second time we went to Disney which was about 2 and a half years ago, the booth was closed and I was disappointed then. ; This time around, I did ask why it wasn't open and all they could tell me is that it hasn't been operational in about 2 years. ; Come on, it is a great Canadian thing. ; I need a beaver tail!!! ;
Yeah, we noticed they had removed the stand when we were there... let me tell you I did a very good impersonation of Grumpy for about 10 minutes *laugh* ; Seems to me that there's remarkably little money spent on 'Canada' at Epcot... I mean, that movie is ancient (I'm sure they could do better... hell, IMAX is Canadian in origin... couldn't THEY do something? *laugh*)... it seems more like the Quebec Pavillion than the Canadian Pavillion (not that I have anything against Quebec... heck, I was born there!)... someone should appeal to the Canadian Tourism Commission ;)

Mmmmm... BeaverTail.... now I have to go to the zoo *laugh* ; Darn tasty pastry ;)
We walked through it quickly when we were there, but it didn't really interest us.........I guess if it were more up to date it might be different
Funny thing... I pulled out our honeymoon album last night. ; The pics aren't in any particular order, but the very first picture is the sign outside "Trapper Bob's" with the BeaverTails menu *laugh*

I definitely think the Canada Pavillion could use some serious updating. ; It's certainly not helping the image people have of Canada (I had a friend who worked for the Tourist board here during the summers and routinely got questions about where in Toronto they could find skiing in July, polar bears (not in the zoo), and the Musical Ride)
The pavillion and the movie good use a definite round of updates.

The biggest disappointment for me was findong out that Off-Kilter, playing all the Celtic-Fusion music next door, were not Canadian. ; One of the guys had Nova Scotia tartan and I was assuming that a great band like this MUST be from Canada!
I would have to say I agree that the 70's/80's version movie of Canada should be updated. ; When we seen it two years ago, I was almost embarassed because some of the foriegners, may think we actually still look like that now. ; I am not a huge fan of the fake rockies either. ;

questions about where in Toronto they could find skiing in July, polar bears (not in the zoo), and the Musical Ride)
That is so funny!!! ; Americans are pretty funny too. ; We weren't in Disney, but when we were in the caribbean a couple of people from New Mexico, asked us if we packed our muckluks (sorry for the spelling, not like I say that very often). ; Funny people!!!