Barrel Racing


Here's some more horsing around for Tim. Was able to catch and get close to the New York State Barrel Racing championships held last weekend when I attended the NY State Fair here in Syracuse. I didn't want to flash riders in the face so I snapped on my 50mm f/1.8 and got a reasonable shutter speed of 1/125th in very poor lighting. Looking at the image data, I think I could have gone up to 1/250th but I kind of like how these came out. The panning I learned at the dragstrip earlier this month came in handy, too! Some of these are cropped from the original.

Not one horse lost it's balance. There was 41 competitors. I think the still image captures the agility of the horse and rider more so than a video, IMO.


After rounding all three barrels, this cowgirl knew she had a good time going as she raced to break the timing beam at full gallop.


Sometimes they cut it a little to close. A knocked down barrel was a disqualification.


Rider setting up to go around the second barrel of three.


The slowest times were in the 17 second range. The winning time was 15.123 seconds. I have a gallery of all 68 pictures that made the cut :) here: ... 514#P-1-15
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couldn't have said it better HW. That first one is awesome! Nice panning on the second one too.
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Thanks guys! I'll be heading to the Fair a few more times. Always something fun to photograph. Lots of events, demonstrations and exhibits. Not to mention thousands of people who make it such a colorful event.
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that is fine work, esp #1, you got the essence of the sport right there,
my wife's horse is a former barrel racer, the first time she went to cut a sharp corner with him she got quite a surprise
"gary" said:
that is fine work, esp #1, you got the essence of the sport right there,
my wife's horse is a former barrel racer, the first time she went to cut a sharp corner with him she got quite a surprise

;D I bet she did, Gary!!!! I love that first image, too. That was the most extreme angle I caught. Due to the lens being wide open, the depth of field makes the horse's head soft. I would have loved to set up a couple of remote flashes but did not come prepared. Maybe next year I'll see if that is something they wouldn't mind me doing.
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