To get this, I used 5 shots with -2, -1, 0, +1, +2 exposures. ; Imported into LR then on to Photomatix and used the Painterly preset with some adjustments to micorcontrast, strength and saturation. ; Back in LR I did some adjustments with the exposure, contrast, clarity and saturation. ; Lastly added some sharpening, noise reduction and lens calibration(used the preset for the lens without any additional adjustments).
Thanks for the nice comments. ; The hardest part about getting this shot was staying upright (I fell twice tripping over some metal roofing that was buried) and keeping the tripod stable wa there was no bare floor to set it on. ; The hay was several inches thick. ; I also had some company in the form of possums and skunks that have taken over the loft.