B&W door in Italy


Staff member
converted to b&w in nik silver efex.

[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]
this is really well done, i see you are devoting more time to the graphic arts, what happened , that drumming thing not work out for you????
i too also hope to be showing some work along these lines after pixelmania, since i needed a new noiseware program, imaginenomics is a pc only program, i just ordered the nik plug in suite for lightroom, to be used with the mac
WOW! thanks everyone I was just playing around a little!

"gary" said:
this is really well done, i see you are devoting more time to the graphic arts, what happened , that drumming thing not work out for you????
i too also hope to be showing some work along these lines after pixelmania, since i needed a new noiseware program, imaginenomics is a pc only program, i just ordered the nik plug in suite for lightroom, to be used with the mac
You'll love the nik software. Thats why I always say when I use nik tools, because I dont know much about photoshop or hard to do post processing.

For this one, I used nik silver efx, and chose one of the old tin types because I liked the way it vignetted the edges. I then added film type of tmax 100 because that is what I used to shoot b&w back when I bought in bulk and rolled my own. and I added a red filter setting because I often used a red filter to increase contrast when I shot b&w
Awesome! ; That's a great B&W! ;

"Craig" said:
You'll love the nik software.

Ditto. ; I swear by NIK Dfine. ; Its the only thing I use for noise reduction. ; I also use Silver Efex for my B&W conversions.