Audubon Zoo, New Orleans


I just bought the Nex 6 and decided to bring it to our trip to the zoo Sunday. I was mainly using a Nikon 100 f2.8 series E manual lens and the new kit pancake power zoom 16-50. I was watching a man shoot with a Nikon ? camera and 70-200 and thought how much better the photos were coming out of the huge setup compared to my little mirrorless and small manual lens. Lately I have been debating the D600 or K5IIs but just can't bite the bullet of hauling around 15 lbs of gear again. Well here are a few from this weekend.

Pink Flamingo by Harry Shields, on Flickr

Elephant's nose by Harry Shields, on Flickr

This last one is my youngest DD on my wife's shoulders. She was just being amazed at the elephant show.

Nex 6 and Nikon Series E 100 @ 2.8 by Harry Shields, on Flickr
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Very nice set Harry. ; I don't think you'll really see a huge benefit from a full size camera anymore. (unless you are shooting sports) ; I was very impressed with the AF accuracy (& speed) of the NEX-6 - heck I had it on auto-AF select most of the day - the biggest problem came when I was too close to the subject at the zoo and the camera refused to focus on anything but the fence, which would happen with a traditional SLR too.

Granted - I was using Sony's 55-210 with the firmware update, but for the price, it can't be beat. ; I need to get a MF faster telephoto lens but that will be down the road a bit.

You can use the clear image zoom with any lens, the only "issue" is that you have to give up RAW to do so.
Thanks John and Michael!

Roger, I really like the Nex 6, maybe more than the 7. I like having the mode dial on top. I beats having to go into the menu. I also find the focus fast and accurate with the 16-50. ; I did notice something on the 16-50 though. When shooting RAW at 16mm the photo has some black corners and distortion. When in JPEG, this is corrected in camera. So in RAW the camera must shoot wider than 16 because in JPEG the photo is cropped on the sides.
"HPS3" said:
Thanks John and Michael!

Roger, I really like the Nex 6, maybe more than the 7. I like having the mode dial on top. I beats having to go into the menu. I also find the focus fast and accurate with the 16-50. ; I did notice something on the 16-50 though. When shooting RAW at 16mm the photo has some black corners and distortion. When in JPEG, this is corrected in camera. So in RAW the camera must shoot wider than 16 because in JPEG the photo is cropped on the sides.

yes, it's got horrible barrel distortion.

BUT for being a $150 lens (it's more expensive separately when it finally becomes available though!) the size is kind of cool. ; Plus I know it's only the first PZ lens Sony will be making - mainly because they wouldn't have added the automatic clear image zoom when you use the PZ switch rather than going into a menu with any other lens.

If you use Lightroom 4 or ACR, there is a lens profile now available through Adobe Lens Profile Downloader :) ; It let me finish processing my shots from this weekend using the ARW file rather than the JPG.