Well looks like we're all set for a long walk...one where we don't expect to be back before nightfall what with the supplies we seem to be bringing along! ; Where might we find this stuff? [attachment deleted by admin]
Re: Are we going for a long walk? No, you're not going for a long walk. ; Not yet. ; They haven't built the trail to it yet. ; Until then, you'll have to leave your gear for the train at the Harambe station to Conservation Station.
Re: Are we going for a long walk? that was my guess as well. ; i do have a backup guess for it once we are proven wrong.
No guessing needed...Rog landed that one fast! I posted it, made dinner, watched some tube, and came back to check before going to bed...and Voila! ; It's solved! (It would be nice if they made a walking trail to the CS though!).