Sorry I've been away from the boards for a bit...had a hectic little week or two, and just never had the chance to pop in. ; Been busy at work, but that alone wouldn't keep me from popping in at least on nights. ; Had quite a bit of photos to process since picking up some new teleconverters and testing them out in the wetlands, so that took up some nights. ; Had a guest staying with me from the UK, so was busy entertaining a bit. ; Had jury duty selection Monday (didn't get picked), which blew Sunday night and Monday day. ; So, just wanted to pop in and say hi!
Well hello there stranger! ; Glad to hear all is well. ; Looking forward to seeing those wetlands photos.
Thanks. The jury duty was the real discombobulator. ; I finally got through the wetlands photos the past two nights, but still need to downsize to upload to my gallery.
Zackiedawg...hmm, I think I remember you...short, bald, handlebar mustache, and talks with an accent, right? ; Erich
Well I do have facial hair not all that far off. ; I didn't get to the resizing pics to post, but I have shot many in the past month or two since my last Disney trip...just never got around to posting them here! ; I didn't even get up many of my January Disney pics, except Epcot. ; Looks like I need to get busy in here this weekend.