Ants on Vacation


Member I had way too many peeps, one too many cookies and a little too much caffeine today, but don't worry. ; It'll be better by tomorrow. :D bathtub is my sanctuary, right? ; Well, I wake up two days ago and what do I find? ; Hmph. ; I'll show you. ; They are what some people (you know who you are) call..."piss ants" (how rude!) ; Anyway..I am fairly certain these pesky little things think they are on vacation..white sand beaches, beautiful seashells, bamboo swaying in the breeze AND all the tasty nectar one could ever hope to drink in a lifetime. ; (I am so evil...forgive me all you ant loving people in the universe).

Ahhhh, revenge. ; It is so very sweet. (insert angel smilie)

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Went down to the Colorado River Preserve during my lunch "break" again today. ; Overcast, and I didn't bring my biggie.

Sun came out for a little bit on my way back to the car when I came across the largest fire ants I've seen IRL.




Needless to say I was shooting at arms length trying to stay out of their way and attention zone. ; There were countless mounds but they were about half this size. ; I'd say these were at least 0.5 to 0.75 inches long....
:o Yikes! ; You know what's funny though? ; I used to run screaming out of any room I saw a bug in and now...I run screaming..."HAS ANYONE SEEN MY CAMERA?"
Nice! ; My wife HATES ants, and we lived in a house that every year they would come out of the woodwork. ; We even had a contracted pest control that came monthly to spray, and we still would get these "infestations". ; It was amazing.
Oh great, Jeff! :D ; Are you basically telling me I am going to lose this war?? ; Eek. ; Oh well, maybe it will make a good blog post!
I was mistaken.

These were not fire ants.

They are the very important[nb]The horned lizard loves them some Red Harvester Ants[/nb] and native Texas Red Harvester ants.


28-105D @ 105mm macro mode, ISO 800, 1/320 sec, f/9, +0.7EV, SB-800 flash as well. ; Camera was mounted on a monopod and shot with a remote release (basically so I could avoid their habitat[nb]And getting bitten. ; While they are not as aggressive as fire ants, look at those jaws![/nb] without having to setup a tripod)