Okay...so I had way too many peeps, one too many cookies and a little too much caffeine today, but don't worry. ; It'll be better by tomorrow. 
So...my bathtub is my sanctuary, right? ; Well, I wake up two days ago and what do I find? ; Hmph. ; I'll show you. ; They are what some people (you know who you are) call..."piss ants" (how rude!) ; Anyway..I am fairly certain these pesky little things think they are on vacation..white sand beaches, beautiful seashells, bamboo swaying in the breeze AND all the tasty nectar one could ever hope to drink in a lifetime. ; (I am so evil...forgive me all you ant loving people in the universe).
Ahhhh, revenge. ; It is so very sweet. (insert angel smilie)
[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]

So...my bathtub is my sanctuary, right? ; Well, I wake up two days ago and what do I find? ; Hmph. ; I'll show you. ; They are what some people (you know who you are) call..."piss ants" (how rude!) ; Anyway..I am fairly certain these pesky little things think they are on vacation..white sand beaches, beautiful seashells, bamboo swaying in the breeze AND all the tasty nectar one could ever hope to drink in a lifetime. ; (I am so evil...forgive me all you ant loving people in the universe).
Ahhhh, revenge. ; It is so very sweet. (insert angel smilie)
[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]