Another Tough Photo Assignment


Miss New York International, Jesse Ladoue, visited the Syracuse Crunch before the game with the Albany Devils at the Onondaga County War Memorial on Saturday, February 9, 2013.

Here's the lucky male staffer who won the office pool to escort Miss NY International.

Waving to the crowd before the puck drop.

Miss NY International by Scottwdw, on Flickr

She had never been to a hockey game before and she was wide eyed about everything. ; Mark Barberio, the Crunch player and a single guy, spent a few minutes with her after the puck drop.

She was only there for the puck drop and she was off to her next appearance.
And did that guy's smile have to be surgically removed the next day? ; ;)

Nice job on the puck drop shot...tough exposure with all that white and having to mind the flash!
Hockey and beautiful women - it doesn't get any better than that.

My offer to be your assistant still stands! ; ;)