Hello everyone! ; I'm from Dallas Texas. ; My partner and I go to Disneyland twice a year and hopefully will be making our first trip to WDW next year at some point. ; Our next trip will be in September for the D23 Expo, DL and DCA as well as our first time dining at Club 33 thanks to a gracious member on another forum. ; Can't wait!
I'm not a professional photographer by any means, but I am an artist so I try my best to take good photographs and even have been playing around with photoshop lately, redoing photo's using the Orton Effect. ; I get a little picture taking obsessed when I'm at the parks trying to get the perfect shot. ; Hopefully I can show you all some and get some feedback as well as some helpful hints for our next trip. ; I've been trying to take good night time photo's without 80% of them coming out blurry. ;
Here's the both of us last Christmas. ; Yes, we're both big dorks and always wear ears and collect pins:
And here's my try at the Orton Effect:
Looking forward to sharing photo's and learning something new.
Thanks everyone.
I'm not a professional photographer by any means, but I am an artist so I try my best to take good photographs and even have been playing around with photoshop lately, redoing photo's using the Orton Effect. ; I get a little picture taking obsessed when I'm at the parks trying to get the perfect shot. ; Hopefully I can show you all some and get some feedback as well as some helpful hints for our next trip. ; I've been trying to take good night time photo's without 80% of them coming out blurry. ;
Here's the both of us last Christmas. ; Yes, we're both big dorks and always wear ears and collect pins:

And here's my try at the Orton Effect:

Looking forward to sharing photo's and learning something new.
Thanks everyone.