Strangely for me, as much as I love photography and probably annoy friends and family with it, I'm really only guilty of bringing a camera with me everywhere I go. ; But I tend to be the ultra-sympathetic, courteous and over-cautious type when it comes to photography - or really any 'gathering'. ; I often care too much about causing any distraction or interference with other people that I'll give up on a shot rather than risk getting in the way. ; I will stand for many minutes waiting for a clearing to take my shot, standing aside and letting everyone else by. ; I'm usually the one tapping my friends' shoulders or arms to notify them that they're in the way when someone is approaching and they've got their tripod blocking part of the path. ; In a group environment like Pixelmania, I'm usually walking around with my head on a swivel, looking for ways we might be causing problems, trying to move us out of the traffic. ; It's to my detriment, or at least that of my photography, because my friends who I've gone wildlife shooting with sometimes get a nicer perspective on a bird than I do because they were willing to lay down on the boardwalk in front of groups of oncoming people, in order to get the low perspective...something I'm not willing to do unless there is noone around at all. ; If I was at the China pavilion with you guys, I'd probably be having mild anxiety over possibly inconveniencing people coming into the exhibit, and standing near the doorway apologizing to each of them!
If you need the kindly, sympathetic, apologetic photographer in your group to liase with the masses while you get in their way, bring me along. ; I do it naturally!