ANNOUNCEMENT... New Podcast Crew Member Coming Soon!


Staff member
Just a quick announcement...

The MDP is pleased to announce that we have a new crew-member coming on the show starting in 2-3 weeks to do a semi-regular segment. I will not tell you who it is (at least for now, so I can have some fun with this) but I can say that he is a well-know member of the Disney Online community.

If the suspense is killing you, so be it... you just have to grin and bare it for a few weeks!
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you are more than welcome to post your guesses if you wish... ;D
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Will you give us a hint like twenty questions?

Is it a man????

(I know, Tim, I am taking a risk on my lurker award)
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well i'm guessing it's not steve, since you said we have to grin and bare it, and i don't ever recall seing steve without adequate clothing

(punctuation and spelling are everything, somewhere there is an old 8th grade english teacher of mine spinning in her grave over this, saying see!!, i told you it mattered)

One guess I would have would be David Koenig, but that would be a far fetch I think.