Alrighty then...let's try another! I am where? (SOLVED)

Discussion in 'Where Am I?' started by zackiedawg, Jan 19, 2009.

  1. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    My last two were solved far too quickly! One was easy as pie, and was solved about as fast as it should have - the other was very hard and had everyone stymied...except Kiki who knew it immediately and even had a shot of it!

    So, here's my next attempt. I won't even try to guess whether this will be easy or hard - I just don't know anymore!! All I want to know is...where am I?

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  2. RedOctober25

    RedOctober25 Member

    Re: Alrighty then...let's try another! I am where?

    Looks like the Monorail Landing at the Polynesian (Thatched roof and railings)
  3. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Re: Alrighty then...let's try another! I am where?

    Nope...not there. Nice guess...but no!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  4. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Re: Alrighty then...let's try another! I am where?

    Ah...finally, another harder one! After a few obviously too easy, this one is lasting a day. I guess I'll back up my first response with a "cold"...for the benefit of future guessers!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  5. Craig

    Craig Member Staff Member

    Re: Alrighty then...let's try another! I am where?

    is it the tiki room?
  6. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Re: Alrighty then...let's try another! I am where?

    Nope...not the Tiki room! Still cold.
  7. Paul

    Paul Member

    Re: Alrighty then...let's try another! I am where?

    Just to try and narrow this one down, Mombasa Marketplace
  8. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Re: Alrighty then...let's try another! I am where?

    Good thinking, trying to move the location and narrow it down. But, still cold!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  9. mSummers

    mSummers Member

    Re: Alrighty then...let's try another! I am where?

    Typhoon Lagoon?
  10. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Re: Alrighty then...let's try another! I am where?

    Nope...not there. Still cold!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  11. mSummers

    mSummers Member

    Re: Alrighty then...let's try another! I am where?

    Swiss Family Robinson?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  12. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Re: Alrighty then...let's try another! I am where?

    Nope...not the Swiss Family Robinson area. Still ice cold!

    So, to summarize: Polynesian - Cold. Tiki Room - Cold. Mombasa Marketplace - Cold. Typhoon Lagoon - Cold. Swiss Family Robinson - Cold. Noone's gotten even warm yet - looks like a wider search pattern is needed.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  13. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Re: Alrighty then...let's try another! I am where?

    Hmm. World showcase?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  14. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Re: Alrighty then...let's try another! I am where?

    I sense a high pressure ridge moving in, bringing some much needed warmth and helping to usher out the cold front...things are looking a bit sunnier!
  15. goofmick

    goofmick Member

    Re: Alrighty then...let's try another! I am where?

    The Outpost?
  16. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Re: Alrighty then...let's try another! I am where?

    No...not the Outpost - though that would be the most logical guess. Keep circling...
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  17. mSummers

    mSummers Member

    Re: Alrighty then...let's try another! I am where?

    The store in UK that sells tea?

    nevermind... the tea place has the wrong kind of thatch.
  18. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Re: Alrighty then...let's try another! I am where?

    Hmm palm trees.

    Morocco would be the logical guess but perhaps Mexico someplace. I know Norway has a grass roof on one building, but that's not it. And I doubt palms would grow in Norway. But when armadillos invade Illnois, then anything's possible.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  19. RedOctober25

    RedOctober25 Member

    Re: Alrighty then...let's try another! I am where?

    is the little stage that Miyuki does her candy art have a thatched roof? The railing in the background would make sense with Teppan Edo.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  20. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Re: Alrighty then...let's try another! I am where?

    Good thinking so far...noone's there yet.'re right - wrong thatch. Not Mexico either, Rog...or Morocco. I don't think I need to bother to strike down Norway! We're knocking out locations left and right...can't be much left!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014

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