adult baby swap


How does this work?
What if you have 2 kids and one is tall enough for all rides and one not. Can the older child go twice?
"Ariel2" said:
How does this work?
What if you have 2 kids and one is tall enough for all rides and one not. Can the older child go twice?

Works quite simple, you walk up to ride. ; Tell them your doing "parent swap" they want to see the other parent and child and then they give you a special pass. ; Once you go through once, you can use that pass in the fast pass line with who ever you chose. ; Its fantastic!
So would I walk through to the exit side with my baby (while the others ride) and go ; all the way back outside to reline up in the fast pass line?

My one pass will be valid for two ppl?

Oh also are allowed backpacks on rides?
"Ariel2" said:
So would I walk through to the exit side with my baby (while the others ride) and go ; all the way back outside to reline up in the fast pass line?

My one pass will be valid for two ppl?

Oh also are allowed backpacks on rides?

The adult with the baby doesn't need to walk through the line. ; The cast member just needs to see them to make sure there is a baby and another parent. ; Yes the pass is good for 2 ppl (my older daughter loves it, she rides everything twice)
Yes you can carry a backpack with you on the ride.