a surprise visitor at Forsythe NWR


it was cloudy, windy and raining but when I heard this was out there I had to chance it. in 10 years of going to Forsythe this is the first time I ever heard of one being there. apparently it is a banner year for them in Jersey.hoping for another shot in better light. first time I ever saw one in the wild

snowy-owl by LW_NJ, on Flickr
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Crap! ; I hate you Jersey wildlife people right now! ; I can't even find our local screetch owls who are late coming this year, and the great horned owls already left - a snowy owl would be the coolest thing!

You need to stake out at that place the next few days, and catch him in flight - such amazing, graceful looking hunters when they fly! ; Great shot.
Joanie this was taken at the Forsythe NWR in New Jersey. it is about 12 miles from Atlantic City. I am going out again in an hour or so and try for a shot in better light. have to get a spot as now that the news is out about it tons of people are showing up. hopefully closer. this was shot with the Nikon 600 f4 on the D7100 and still some cropping
Justin you get way more cool birds down there than we do. if you got a snowy down there that would be a real surprise. they are rare in Jersey. there was one reported here last year in North Jersey at Sandy Hook. there is 4 there now and one in Ocean City too. they think it may have something to do with their food sources being scarce where they normally are
That is very cool to know! We just made a donation to Evan's School for bird seed (Teacher's wish list). His school is right on the Delaware river, Jersey side, north of the Burlington Bristol bridge, so they get all sorts of raptors nesting in the bridge from time to time. Hopefully things will be looking up for these birds this winter.

now there is 2 at forsythe and reports of them all over Jersey and now In Del and Md
was able to get closer this morning and better light

snowy-owl by LW_NJ, on Flickr
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There must be alot of Jersey kids being accepted into Hogwart's. ; (Come on... You knew the reference was going to be given sooner or later...)

Sent from my iPad
was very foggy today and then overcast. the owl was sitting on a sign for hours
tried something different. used nik silver efx to add some drama to it

wings by LW_NJ, on Flickr
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went out yesterday morning to owl hunt. it was rather cloudy and dismal but there was one of them sitting on rocks about 8 ft off the road. cars and joggers going by and it didn't seem to mind all the attention. chance of snow today so if we get any I am hoping to get a shot of one in the snow

poser by LW_NJ, on Flickr
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