A Rose for the Master (selective)

Very nice! ; I noticed that this July, is that something new? ; Have not seen it before. ; I also noticed that the grave looked as if it was just recently filled, something else I had never noticed.
I guess I need to chalk that up to something new this trip for me! ; Probably have been on that ride 50 times in the past 10 years, and I never noticed it! ; Too funny!
And a good capture considering you may not be able to repeat this pic anymore. ; I can't think of where they can move the graveyard too now that the queue is being upgraded.
"Roger" said:
I can't think of where they can move the graveyard too now that the queue is being upgraded.

What are they doing to the queue? ; I can't believe they would get rid of the graveyard... ; That's a key piece of the experience.
The queue upgrade is happening now. ; And Michael, you don't spend $1B for a company without having some kind of results....
I hope they do some significant work on the landscaping and remove the permanent line awning, so we can actually see the mansion facade again. It'd be cool if they could relocate the graveyard to where the hearse carriage is now, making you walk thru it to get to the mansion. It'd make for a nice photo foreground too.

"ELinder" said:
It'd be cool if they could relocate the graveyard to where the hearse carriage is now, making you walk thru it to get to the mansion. It'd make for a nice photo foreground too.

I would love to see that!