A great book


I wasn't sure where to post this, so here I am on what is becoming my favorite spot on these forums...the miscellaneous board. ; I only get to go to WDW once a year, so for the rest of the year, I have a feeling I'm gonna hang out here alot. :)

My husband gave this book to me for my birthday and it is beyond wonderful. ; Listen to some excerpts from the introduction:

"...it is written for those who are willing to grow and change....it is written for those who are enamored with photography, and who want to learn how to create the most compelling and engaging photographs of their lives....How can we set out to accomplish this task?...This is a book about becoming. ; Becoming authentic, alive, vibrant, unfettered, and renewed. ; It is written for those interested in discovering what it means to grow and change. ; Whether you are an amateur, pro, photographer or physician, architect or acupuncturist, filmmaker or financial consultant, this book is written for you........For there isn't a soul who doesn't need a regular dose of inspiration, a new perspective, and a breath of fresh air."

Here's the link.
Another quote from the book:

"I believe that creativity is taking the ordinary and making it extraordinary. ; No matter what the situation there is always more than what is in plain view. ; This has led me to look for what others have overlooked. It has helped me realize that I want nothing other than to live a full and creative life. ; The camera, among other things, helps me do this."

Working hard on getting you some clicks, Tim. :)
My concern with anything that reads like that is that they use so many eloquent words without really saying anything of substance (believe me, I'm one of 'those people' who can do that...I think we're called "people with Liberal Arts degrees"). ; I'm not saying that is the case with this particular book, it looks interesting enough, but it's definitely something I'd want to see in person (or flip through on Amazon) before buying. ; Thanks for posting, though, I will have to do some research into the book!