a few from the sanctuary today


all taken with the d80 and tamron 200-500mm

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I need to get a birding lens. I do. 70-200 x 1.4 just isn't long enough.

Nice shots Howie.

Here's my backyard bunny that like to visit in the afternoon for a meal.

<img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/060307/A/IMG_7794a.jpg" />
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Thanks. I think I've found that my lens likes to backfocus in the trees, but I've heard that is a common problem with trees and my AF system.

<img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/060307/A/IMG_7838a.jpg" />

Same day
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2 more with same combo

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How did you fix that Roger? I'm thinking that I'm having a similar problem with my Nikon?
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Ray, I used www.focustestchart.com to do the testing. As for the other question, I sent you a PM. Normally you would have to send the lens into the manufacturer for adjustment, usually with the body.
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