A few from Sunrise - New 70-200/2.8vr

Got it on Friday and really love it so far. What a nice piece of glass.

Here are a few from sunrise yesterday morning...




Now I'm just waiting on the brown truck to bring its companion - the 28-70/2.8
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nice pictures. you are getting some really good lenses.
Are you sure a D200 is a good enough body? ;)
Thanks Craig- I'm not sure what camera body I want to upgrade to yet- it will probably be next year so there may be something new out by then anyway. I would love something better than a D200 (or the D50 I have now) but I really put my priorities into getting some decent lenses first. Especially after I got schooled at a wedding a few weeks ago that my daughter was a flower girl in. I came away with very few decent shots in the very low light church with my 18-200vr :-[. Luckily I get a second chance next month when she is in another wedding. ;)
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