2012 macy's thanksgiving day parade


or round 2 of what am i doing out here in the cold at this hour. but i could not have gotten a clearer sunnier day for parade photography, i was early enough to only have 1 short old lady in front of me and because i went pretty far uptpwn, i was done with the parade a bit after 1100. so first up is not the beginning, but i was lmao when i realized what i was seeing, it started out in michigan as a joke to promote a menswear store, but the originator has kept it going and now they make regular parade appearances, including several in the macy's parade. the fred hill briefcase drill team, and they actually did the cadence calling shuck n jive drill sequence from the movie stripes.they just carry briefcases instead of rifles, ; way cool to see



and a north carolina aggie band, and the drum line was laying it down



have to go to rescue squad drill, more later
I looked up the drill team on YouTube and they were hilarious. ; That's pretty cool they're still doing parades so many years after the clothing store closed.
Good stuff. UMass Amherst ; Marching Band is scheduled to perform next year at the parade. If my son ends up there next year, we may be going to our first Macy's parade.
here's the thanksgiving float/balloon. and tim fyi, trying to insert a photo anywhere off the left margin just wiped out the whole reply i almost had ready to post


and the person responsible for me being awake and outside early, my friend jeff doing his clown thing, i already scolded him about slowing down next year, esp since he knew where i was posted


jimmy fallon and his band


spidey coming at me

a band from nashville, with the most futuristic uniforms i've ever seen on a marching band

