i made the plunge, i decided to get a 5d, i have a family wedding in bawlmur in oct, and mousefest in dec, plus rhythm & roots music fest over labor day weekend, so i wanted the low light capability, by the time i rented it twice i would have been 20% towards ownership, so i decided it was time, so far i've only been out for a little bit local, 34 images total, but i'm just trying out the controls, tim was right, it's a real easy transition from a 20d
due to some family demands and time frame of my day i could really only get out during late morning, not the ideal time for landscapes of beaches and water, but here's one using the 17-40 f/4 L, i like this lens, not everyone thinks it's sharp, it seems good to me
i also picked up the 50mm f1.4 usm, a lens not very useful to me on a crop body, but maybe the real deal for the r&r concert lighting at night. i also did a couple using my 300mm f/4 L, a very good lens, i'm really liking the image quality so far
i did throw a slight velvia action at this image, i just like pumped up colors
this was taken from the small bridge crossing a local creek a couple of miles from my home
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due to some family demands and time frame of my day i could really only get out during late morning, not the ideal time for landscapes of beaches and water, but here's one using the 17-40 f/4 L, i like this lens, not everyone thinks it's sharp, it seems good to me
i also picked up the 50mm f1.4 usm, a lens not very useful to me on a crop body, but maybe the real deal for the r&r concert lighting at night. i also did a couple using my 300mm f/4 L, a very good lens, i'm really liking the image quality so far
i did throw a slight velvia action at this image, i just like pumped up colors
this was taken from the small bridge crossing a local creek a couple of miles from my home
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