On my recent trip to Oahu I had the opportunity to dive Hawaii's only official wreck. ; This Corsair was on approach to Oahu in the 1940's when it ran out of fuel and the pilot ditched the plane. ; The pilot was ok and the plane settled 107 feet down. ; Best dive ever. ; Just simply amazing. The rest of the photostream including a video can be found here. ; http://www.flickr.com/photos/cmbimages/ ... 454212659/
Sealife DC800. ; My external flash quit on me on a dive two days before so this is taken with available light only. ; The camera only shoots in jpeg so modification were limited but i do a little work in Lighroom. Next step is to upgrade to a Nikon D7000 with an underwater housing and external flash setup. ; That will require saving for a bit.
Great shots! ; I have Hawaii on my bucket list, and now that Aulani is there, it is a LOT higher on that list.