1000 piece puzzle...anyone??

Anybody know where I can get this made into a 1000 piece puzzle? ;)

Seriously, I've checked into but but it seems to be very expensive to get a custom puzzle done.

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"AUBandPilot" said:
Anybody know where I can get this made into a 1000 piece puzzle? ;)

Seriously, I've checked into but but it seems to be very expensive to get a custom puzzle done.

Yep......$2,000+ for a cutom puzzle is just a little steep!!!
i just saw this 2 nights ago and remembered this post, go to the adobe sight, register and look in free downloads, there is a shareware action for jigsaw puzzles, download, apply to photo, print, laminate to cardboard stock or have printed on cardboard stock and proceed to follow the lines to cut out, tedious but got to be cheaper than custom puzzle