interesting lightroom factoid


so sitting here after returning from a 4 am ems call, why you old people gotta fall in the middle of the night
so i am reading a 4 part article by jason bradley on how lightroom organizes and how to keyword better, and while checking out the library filter i click on metadata, with my base folder of lightroom folders selected, 76,345 photos, and i can see, i took those since 2001, with 34 cameras, and 111 lenses, including strangely enough, 88 with a nikon d50, and 105 with a nikon d90, which considering i have never owned a nikon is kind of strange
ok, i went through year by year, they are fire department photos i scanned in to get onto the digital frames we have in our social room, photos given to me by another member
so i can account for owning 18 of the 34 listed cameras, i did not go through the lenses
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